Friday, October 28, 2005

Halloween and Uber Holy Folks

Now i find it interesting that the ultra relgious black folks are so down for not celebrating halloween, which is the eve of all saints day, and it is touted at the "Devil's Holiday". But they will celebrate the hell of of Christmas, which is laden with pagen symbols.

Halloween is a fun time for fat kids like me... i loved free candy. I had fun dressing up, i was not worshiping any devil in doing so... My Pastor at home used to talk about how black folks get bent out of shape over this holiday. Its not the devils holiday or a pegan holiday. Infact the high holy day for pegans is Dec. 22nd the night of the winter soclists, and pegans are not devil worshipers either... but i digress....

What frosts my cookies is how people do not read for themselves about these holiday and just start spouting off bs.....

*walking off to get me some free candy*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You ar sooooo right!!! That used to get me everytime as a kid and still does as an adult!!! And save me some of that free candy Soror!!!