Tuesday, December 08, 2009

i am Single but in a relationship.... I am not married so i am single....
why is it men seem to have no issue hitting on me even though i say i have a man
i say i am happy
they still try to plead their case...hell some of them are married....
for real dude... not interested... EVER

Dogging out my man, or trying to say what he is or is not.. it not going to win me over
telling me how many inches you have *or dont* how you want to eat me out, and smack it up flip it and rub it down is not going to win me over either....

If i was remotely interested..yes i would holla but NOT!!!!

now if morris, or hill harper or brad pit *yeah he is FOINE* yeah i would have to rethink some things...but if you look like biggie smalls or craig mack or shabba...yeah i am not impressed
even less impressed if you have no job, 20 kids and 10 baby mama's, no car, etc....

Now when i was single i could not buy a fucking date
in high school could not buy a date
but i reach the rip old age of 36 and all of a sudden i am whats hot in the street....NOT!!! lol

while i am flattered at times.... mostly i am just in awe of some folks insanity.......

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